International Human Rights Day- No Human Rights without Women’s Rights

International Human Rights Day

No Human Rights without Women’s Rights

Don’t forget the women of Darfur

As the world celebrates an important milestone in our history – International Human Rights Day – the women of Darfur continue to endure unspeakable suffering. Rape has been used as a weapon of war for over twelve years, and today it is more prevalent than ever. Therefore, Darfur Women Action Group (DWAG) would like to take this opportunity to remind you about the ongoing tragic situation and demand your support in speaking up for women in Darfur.

We would like to share with you the following tragic story of a 14 year old girl who was raped in a camp in Darfur as a one example and call on you to join our campaign in calling on president Obama to issue a statement to condemn the ongoing sexual violence in Darfur.

As reported by Radio Dabanga: “A 14-year-old girl was gang-raped in Tawila locality, North Darfur, today.”

Speaking to Radio Dabanga, a relative of the victim reported that four militiamen riding camels ambushed the girl as she collected straw in the area of Kedareik, five kilometres east of Tabit.

“They raped her alternately for three hours, from 10 am until 1 pm.,” she said.

The victim was taken to a clinic in the Zamzam camp for the displaced near El Fasher, capital of North Darfur.

“She is still bleeding. As a result of the shock she is not able to eat nor talk,” the relative added.

Regrettably, this is not an isolated incident; it’s the daily life of the Darfur people who have been targeted for years. On this day we wish to remind you of the following facts:

The genocide in Darfur that began 12 years ago continues to ravage the region today.

– Sudanese government-sponsored forces continue to savagely murder civilians.

– Over 4 million people have been affected by the crises, with over 3 million having been displaced from their homes. 2.7 million Darfuris remain in internally displaced camps within Darfur, most in critical conditions.

– As of today, these camps lack any humanitarian assistance and the peacekeeping missions are failing to protect the vulnerable. Nearly 1 million Darfuris are refugees in neighboring countries with 377,000 in Chad alone.

– The world may think that the crisis has come to a close, but it hasn’t. Over 460,000 Darfuris were displaced in 2013 alone, over 500,000 have been displaced in 2014, and over 200,000 are newly displaced in the first quarter of 2015.

– Rape has been used as a weapon of war; women and young girls remain the main targets. You may have heard about the shocking incident that took place on October 30, 2014 in which over 221 girls and women were raped in one village, most of whom are elementary school girls.

Since the world no longer pays attention to Darfur, the government of Sudan has successfully isolated Darfur from the outside world and from the rest of Sudan. To make matters worse, the genocide in Darfur and the suffering of its population is now barely covered by mainstream media. This recent shift in attention has decreased international concern regarding the situation, ultimately reducing the sense of urgency regarding possible interventions.

DAWG is extremely committed to bringing attention to the situation in Darfur at a time when the international community has turned a blind eye and shifted its focus to other parts of the world. DWAG strives to educate the public and empower ordinary citizens to speak out, demand action, and hold their leaders accountable. DWAG’s priority is to bring attention to the forgotten plight of the people of Darfur. It also strives to provide the support needed by the civil society in the historically marginalize areas like South Kordofan and the Blue Nile region in order to jointly and properly address the issue of genocide and to bring lasting peace in Sudan.

That is why on this important Day, DWAG wants to remind you that “Genocide” is the world’s worst crime for which the international community has repeated the slogan: “Never Again.” Sadly, it is a reality prevailing in Darfur today. The situation does not only affect the communities in the region, but also poses a serious threat to the world’s peace and security at large.

While you celebrate the progress made in advancing human rights since its declaration, you must also remember that there are many more people who are still struggling for very basic human rights and whose lives are constantly at risk.

Your role in helping end this horror is of particular importance. What we are asking for doesn’t require a lot of effort! You can do what you can from where you are by taking only one of the following steps:

What the ordinary citizen can do to help

It takes only one of the following steps to be an upstander

– Speak up! Silence kills more people

– Write a letter to your government representative asking them to include Darfur in their agenda

– Join DWAG’s supporters and sign up for our email updates

– Keep the world’s attention on Al Bashir’s crimes and demand accountability

– Provide moral and material support to the affected communities to restore hope and help their people develop survival means: DONATE TO HELP US PROTECT women by providing them a safe space to learn skills and earn incomes to help themselves and their families. HELP US EMPOWER survivors to take a stand and to speak out Donate

Join our ongoing No Human Rights without Women Rights campaign through December 15th. In the upcoming days we will continue to feature our heroes and survivors who have played an outstanding role in advancing women rights. Stay tuned!

Thank you,


221 Women and Girls Raped in Sudan, No Formal Investigation

On the evening of October 31st, 2014, at approximately 8pm local time, government soldiers in Northern Darfur terrorized a village just a couple miles away from the United Nation-African Union Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) headquarters. The small village of Tabit was invaded by Sudanese soldiers belonging to a military garrison south of El Fasher. These soldiers rounded up the Tabit villagers, beat them with their guns, and forcibly separated the men from the women. The soldiers then stayed until 4:00AM the following morning, raping over 221 women and girls. Two army defectors told Human Rights Watch that their superior officers had ordered them to “rape women.” Human Rights Watch later confirmed these statements with 27 separate incidents of rape, and obtained credible information about an additional 194 cases.

Immediately following the rape, the Sudanese government denied the attacks and prohibited UN investigators from entering the town in a bid to prevent victims and witnesses from sharing information about the crimes. The UNAMID investigation team also attempted to cover up the rape, concluding that there was never any incidence of mass rape in Tabit, denying any evidence and any credible information regarding the media allegations during the period in question. During the initial UNAMID investigation, there was heavy solider presence who followed the monitors and recorded the interviews. Multiple victims and witnesses later reported that government officials threatened to imprison or kill anyone who spoke out about the attacks.

“The mass rape of more than 200 women and girls is sadly not an isolated incident; it is a systematic pattern of long-standing genocidal attacks against the people of Darfur that has lasted for over a decade”, said Niemat Ahmadi, founder and president of Darfur Women Action Group. “UNAMID is the largest UN peacekeeping force in the world, but it is failing to protect civilians in Darfur and they are not being held accountable. We must speak up and demand action.”

It has now almost been one year since this incident occurred. There has not been a formal investigation into the attacks nor any kind of treatment or support provided to the Tabit victims. Darfur Women Action Group is launching a new awareness campaign to stand in solidarity with the victims of Tabit and other Darfuri women and victims. DWAG has launched a petition on calling on the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) to protect the people of Darfur and demanded an investigation into these horrific war crimes. Sign the petition and join our social media action by (re)tweeting our message: “I stand with the women of Darfur because:”, using the hashtags #221WomenRaped, #Respond2Darfur and #WomenAndGenocide.

Happy Thanksgiving from Darfur Women Action Group

Happy Thanksgiving from DWG Dear Friends and supporters, We would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your family a happy thanksgiving. We are extremely grateful for your continued support, amplifying our voice, standing by our side, and empowering us to continue fighting for justice for our people in Sudan. We are thankful to all of you for joining our online actions, attending our events, and for your generous contributions that sustain our effort. We are thankful for our solidarity and our collective action and we therefore can’t let this Thanksgiving go without expressing our appreciation to you. We are pleased to have you in our life and we look forward to continuing to work with you. Enjoy your Thanksgiving. In peace Niematr Ahmadi, on behalf of DWAG team

No Human Rights Without Women’s Rights-Please join us for the 16 Days of Activism to End Violence Against Women

Please join us for the 16 Days of Activism to End Violence Against Women

November 25- December 10

No Human Rights Without Women’s Right

Join us and meet survivors, heroes and truth telling leaders Darfur Women Action Group is launching 16 days of activism to end violence against women in the support of a worldwide campaign. During this period DWAG will launch a campaign highlighting the unspeakable suffering and the resilience of the women of Darfur in the face of brutal rape and other forms of sexual violence. We stand in solidarity with survivors by educating people about the ongoing violence against women in Darfur and Sudan at large. We invite those who share our concerns about women’s issues to join our effort and take action that will help empower women, end their suffering and violence permanently. Starting on November 25 through December 10, International Human Rights Day, we will be featuring powerful stories of female survivors from Darfur and other conflict zones, reflecting on both the suffering and the resilience of these brave women in the face of genocide. Their stories will also highlight women’s ability to become leaders despite being the most affected and least involved by the international actors working to end the crises. We will also be featuring “Our Heroes,” the men who have stepped up to defend the rights of women by fighting gender based violence and working side-by-side with women to advance their rights and advocate for greater gender balance in our society. DWAG believes that in order to end violence against women, we must focus on building responsible partnerships between men and women to ensure that women’s empowerment and their participation in decision making is a priority for all.

Please join us on these 16 Days of Activism and help end violence against women.

Here’s how you can take part in a unified stance against violence:

• Sign our petition and share it with 10 people in your network

Donate to support our practical response to the mass rape in Tabit, where 221 women and girls were beaten and raped by government soldiers

• Tweet and share our action on Facebook; “No Human Rights without Women Rights” use our Hash tag #StopRapeInDarfurNow #SpeakUp4WomenOfDarfur

• Read our blog and share it widely • Send us your solidarity message so we may share with women of Tabit via twitter or Facebook to

With Gratitude, Niemat Ahmadi, On behalf of DWAG’s team

Eric Reeves: Madeleine Albright, Rwanda, and Darfur: How Genocides Happen

A policy response to this analysis is increasingly urgent, given the growing intensity of slaughter and violent farm land expropriations by Khartoum’s regular Sudan Armed Forces and its militia allies, the Rapid Response Forces. This is particularly true given what we learn from an extraordinary report from Human Rights Watch:

“Men With No Mercy”: Rapid Support Forces Attacks Against Civilians in Darfur, Sudan,” Human Rights Watch | September 9, 2015 |

One highlight, revealed by a militia (Border Guards) defector:

Ahmed, a 35-year-old officer in the Border Guards, spent two weeks at a military base in Guba [North Darfur] in December 2014 before being sent to fight rebels around Fanga. Two senior RSF officials, the commanding officer, Alnour Guba, and Col. Badre ab-Creash were present on the Guba base.

Ahmed said that a few days prior to leaving for East Jebel Marra, Sudanese Vice President Hassabo Mohammed Abdel Rahman directly addressed several hundred army and RSF soldiers:

“Hassabo told us to clear the area east of Jebel Marra. To kill any male. He said we want to clear the area of insects… He said East Jebel Marra is the kingdom of the rebels. We don’t want anyone there to be alive.”

For “insect” substitute “cockroach”…

Eric Reeves, 21 November 2015


Eric Reeves, 12 June 2014

Last week the New York Times reported (June 3, 2014) on a significant trove of UN diplomatic cables sent before and during the Rwandan genocide of 1994, and recently declassified. All are marked “confidential” and are extraordinarily revealing of the thinking at the time by many Security Council members, and particularly the Clinton administration’s Permanent Representative to the UN, Madeleine Albright. Ambassador Albright’s role in pushing to authorize an early withdrawal of UN peacekeepers in Rwanda has long been known in general terms. But for the first time we see her language, her initiative, and her pushing specifically for her view of events in the recently released “confidential” cable of April 12, 1994. Albright has suggested to the New York Times for its reporting on the publication of these cables that she was merely following orders: “I was an instructed ambassador, not the secretary of state.” But implying that she was not instrumental in shaping the Clinton administration’s policies on Rwanda, at the crucial moment, is shamelessly disingenuous. Her belated “wish that I had done more” is wholly after the fact, and does nothing to mitigate her responsibility for compelling the withdrawal of the last chance to avert the genocidal destruction in Rwanda, well underway by the time of her April 12cable and long predicted by the UN force commander, Major-General Roméo Dallaire.

The entirety of her cable is, with its clear intent to influence the Clinton administration team working on Rwanda, utterly chilling (the transcribed text below eliminates the gratuitous mechanical apparatus that accompanies all cables, and unpacks some of the acronyms; otherwise, it is verbatim):

“The Future of UN Assistance Mission in Rwanda (UNAMIR) and French Roles in Rwanda”

[Sent to the Rwanda working group in the Clinton administration; the entire text of cable—April 12, 1994—is marked as “confidential.”]

• The UN Mission at the United Nations foresees two issues that demand Washington’s immediate consideration. First, there are rumors that the French are considering staying in Rwanda after they complete the humanitarian mission of evacuating foreign nationals.

• The other immediate issue is UNAMIR’s future. At present the airport is still open and under French-Belgian control. However, there is no signal that the UN is nearing a decision because relative calm has descended on Kigali [capital of Rwanda] and UNAMIR troops are not presently the target of hostilities. Yet this might be a window of relative opportunity to evacuate UNAMIR forces: there is a real possibility that it might become more difficult to evacuate once the French and Belgians leave.

In this respect it is worth considering taking the lead in the Security Council to authorize the evacuation of the bulk of UNAMIR, while leaving behind a skeletal staff that might be able to facilitate a cease-fire and any future political negotiations. (all emphases in all quotations have been added)

• Bujumbura [capital of Burundi] minimize considered.

[signed] Albright

[links for all cables are contained within a compendium assembled by the US Holocaust Memorial Museum and the National Security Archive at George Washington University]

This is not the cable of someone asking for instructions; it is the language of a powerful woman who wished for yet greater power (which she would subsequently have as Secretary of State), and who in particular wanted to play a dominant role in the key decision that faced the Security Council throughout April and May 1994: “Yet this might be a window of relative opportunity to evacuate UNAMIR forces: there is a real possibility that it might become more difficult to evacuate once the French and Belgians leave.” Albright would have known that as a result of the intelligence she gained from her position as U.S. ambassador to the UN, her assessment would be regarded as having particular authority.

This is the context in which to understand her proposal: “In this respect it is worth considering taking the lead in the Security Council to authorize the evacuation of the bulk of UNAMIR….” Here again, Albright clearly expects that any “consideration” of options by the Clinton administration with respect to Rwanda will be guided by her more intimate access to UN intelligence and to the thinking of other Security Council diplomats. If not openly hortatory, this is far more than mere suggestion; the New York Times did not hesitate to use the word “advocate” in describing her language and actions.

It is hardly surprising, then, that the Clinton administration followed her advice and made a decision that even President Clinton would later describe as “one of the greatest regrets” of his administration. But there can be no shying away now from responsibility, as Albright has tried to do with her deeply disingenuous claim: “I was an instructed ambassador, not the secretary of state.” True in a narrow sense, but deeply misleading. The New York Times also reports Albright’s claim that, “she did not recall the specific cable pushing for a withdrawal.” Even with so many cables, and so many crises, it is exceedingly difficult to credit this claim of forgetfulness.

But of course there are good reasons for selective amnesia. The Times also reports the view of Tom Blanton, director of the National Security Archive at George Washington University (one of two sources for the cables, the other being the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum): “It’s clear, in hindsight, that the pullout of peacekeeping was the green light for genocide.” And it was a decision that was irreversible once made: “On April 21, after a week in which 10,000 Rwandans were killed in Kigali alone, the Security Council voted to reduce the size of the force to 270 troops from 2,100” (New York Times, June 3, 2014). These few remaining peacekeepers were hardly the “skeletal staff” that Albright suggested might be “in a position to facilitate a cease-fire and any future political negotiations.” Rather, what remained of UNAMIR, led by the courageous, resourceful, and meticulous General Dallaire, found itself “standing knee-deep in mutilated bodies.”

Reading the newly released cables as a group reveals that there was much confusion, ignorance—and completely ineffective leadership on the part of Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali. Geopolitical rivalries complicated matters, and sometimes produced deadline diplomacy. Thus we learn in one cable that New Zealand’s Permanent Representative, for the month of April 1994 President of the Security Council, was forced on one critical occasion to set a deadline of one minute before midnight on April 30, since the following morning Nigeria would take over the rotating Council presidency. Decisions were clearly being made on the basis of inadequate intelligence and reporting from the ground. But any serious effort at ascertaining what was happening could have been and in many cases was provided by General Dallaire. And anyone reasonably attentive in reading his extraordinary memoir (Shake Hands with the Devil: The Failure of Humanity in Rwanda, 2003) will certainly understand how much we knew, when we knew it—and when the UN might well have known if it wished. This is in addition to many academics and regional specialists who also had real-time information of significant value about developments on the ground. Rwanda expert Alison Des Forges of Human Rights Watch, for example, met with an apparently bored National Security Advisor Anthony Lake in April 1994. His only advice to Des Forges and her fellow experts on Rwanda? “Make more noise.”

By the time of Albright’s April 12 memorandum—six days after well-prepared ethnic violence exploded following the plane crash that killed Rwanda President Juvénal Habyarimana and Burundian President Cyprien Ntaryamira—a great deal was known. Albright herself in a cable of January 24, 1994 had already declared that one “pressing issue” emerging in Rwanda was the growing power of the militia we would come to know as the Interahamwe: “The [Hutu-led] government is actively involved in distributing arms and training its militia; these covert activities are particularly disturbing given the presence of a RPF [Rwandan Patriotic Front] battalion in Kigali.”

But within hours of the plane crash, what we see in Albright’s cables is a concern not for the people of Rwanda but for the difficulties of evacuating foreign nationals and ultimately UNAMIR itself. And in a cable the day following her telling April 12 memorandum, Albright had already created at least a putative “consensus” about what Tom Blanton calls “giving the green light to genocide” (see above):

There was considerable consensus that UNAMIR should be substantially reduced because the security of UNAMIR troops are [sic] at risk, and UNAMIR can no longer fulfill its mandate given the present circumstances. [signed April 13, 1994] Albright

Clearly Rwandan civilians were not her primary concern, and we may reasonably speculate whether Albright thought that by making the safety of UNAMIR troops paramount, this ensured that the mission would be withdrawn rather than augmented in an effort to stop the bloodbath that was well underway. Albright claims that others argued a token force should be left because “a total UN departure would hurt the UN’s credibility.” There could hardly be a grimmer irony, given the legacy Rwanda has created for the UN. Notably, Nigeria, Brazil, and Djibouti are reported by Albright as “favoring the idea of tasking UNAMIR with protecting Rwandan civilians.” Others, including Albright, “noted the near impossibility of this task, even if resources and armament for UNAMIR were vastly increased.”

Force commander General Dallaire had a very different view of the situation from his position in Kigali (see below). And in an April 18 cable, Albright herself notes that “ethnic killings continue, particularly behind government-held lines,” something that Dallaire had long predicted. By April 21, Albright reports that New Zealand’s Permanent Representative to the UN, and Security Council president for April 1994, was “encountering a number of countries not Council members who could not understand why the Council was not saying anything on ‘this horrific killing.'” On April 21 Albright reports in a cable that Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali was hesitant to pull out UNAMIR entirely, because then he would have to take the responsibility for fifty thousand additional deaths in Rwanda.” Clearly the thinking in the Security Council and the Secretariat was painfully limited in contemplating the consequences of full-scale ethnic violence.

Perhaps as damning as any cable besides that of April 12 is Albright’s reasoning in a document fromApril 26, worth considering carefully and in the context of former Secretary of State Colin Powell’s finding (September 2004) that genocide was occurring in Darfur, but this finding dictated no new actions on the part of the U.S. At the very least, we may say that Albright had a better understanding of the legal entailments of the 1948 UN Genocide Convention:

The Czechs and Argentines are working on a draft statement about genocide. COMMENT: The events in Rwanda clearly seem to meet the definition of genocide in Article II of the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. However, if the Council acknowledges that, it may be forced to “take such action under the [UN] Charter as they consider appropriate for the prevention and suppression of acts of genocide” as provided for in Article VIII. END

It may be genocide, Albright is saying—Rwandans are already being killed on the basis of their ethnicity on a tremendous scale—but if we use the word “genocide” then we may be obliged to do something other than withdraw UNAMIR. Such thinking reflects perfectly the attitudes that informed Albright’s decision-making and her tragically persuasive advice to the Clinton administration.

The New York Times also reports on Albright’s supposed change of heart as the bodies piled up. According to the Times, Albright claims that the May1994 arguments of the Nigerian Permanent Representative,

…persuaded her that the United States risked being on the wrong side of history. At one point, she left a Security Council meeting and placed a heated call to Washington to resist its demands for a complete withdrawal. “I wanted to have more flexibility,” she said, “but the options for having a large operation were so difficult.”

The veracity of this account is certainly open to challenge, the more so since it is “history” that Albright is thinking about, not the present moment in which hundreds of thousands of people were being slaughtered on the basis of ethnicity and political sympathies. But it was on the basis of her recommendation that UNAMIR had been essentially gutted, and there was no conceivable way to put together a new force so late in the period of 100 days when most of the slaughter occurred. A “heated call”? To what purpose in May of 1994, after you had successfully pushed for the withdrawal of UNAMIR, Ms. Albright? “More flexibility”… to do what?

For despite the fact that the word “genocide” proved so embarrassingly difficult for the Clinton administration—to use, or not use, or use with qualification—what was unfolding could not have been more clearly genocide. Extraordinarily, the typically scrupulously neutral medical relief organization Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) declared to the UN that evidence gathered by its humanitarian presence on the ground made clear that the world was witnessing genocide—the word used explicitly by MSF. The Czech and Argentine Permanent Representatives were clearly prepared to use the word genocide to describe realities in Rwanda. But Albright worried about entailments of any such use of the word.

Dallaire’s Incomprehension

To be sure, there were many complexities in the situation as Dallaire surveyed it, many things he did not understand fully at the time. But he is unquestionably our most important witness to the most “efficient” genocide in human history, and one that Dallaire had tried mightily to prevent. When he flew to Arusha, Tanzania to testify before the International Tribunal for Rwanda in February 1998, he broke down after managing to declare:

“It seems … inconceivable that one can watch … thousands of people being … massacred … every day in the media … and remain passive,” the former United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda (UNAMIR) commander said as his voice broke and tears fell from his eyes.

He had flown from Canada to Arusha, Tanzania, to become the first senior UN official to tell a UN tribunal that “with a well-armed force of 5,000 men” and the proper mandate, “the UN could have stopped the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of Rwandans.” (Christian Science Monitor [Arusha], February 27,1998)

Two Moments

My intention in this brief overview is not to attempt a revision of received historical accounts of the Rwandan genocide; there can be little addition to the magisterial work of Alison Des Forges of Human Rights Watch (Leave None to Tell the Story (HRW, 1999), or the searing accounts offered by Philip Gourevitch in We Wish to Inform You That Tomorrow We Will Be Killed With Our Families: Stories From Rwanda (Farrar Straus Giroux, 1998).Rather, I want to emphasize two moments in the history of the Rwandan genocide by way of suggesting parallels with the genocide in Darfur. As many have insisted, “Darfur is not Rwanda,” and this is of course true for many reasons. There is, however, too much grim truth in the frequent description of Darfur as “Rwanda in slow motion” not to ask about moral parallels.

The first of these two moments comes on January 11, 1994 when Roméo Dallaire sent his now infamous “Genocide Fax” to UN headquarters and head of peacekeeping at the time, Kofi Annan. Much has been written about this fax which came anonymously to Philip Gourevitch and served as the centerpiece for his devastating article in The New Yorker (May 11, 1998). Coded “most immediate,” Dallaire’s fax contained a chilling warning on its first (of two) pages:

[1] Force Commander put in contact with informant by very very important government politician. Informant is a top level trainer in the cadre of Interahamwe-armed militia of MRNQ [National Republican Movement for Democracy and Development; French: Mouvement républicain national pour la démocratie et le development—the Hutu-dominated party of President Juvénal Habyarimana—ER]

[2] He informed us he was in charge of last Saturdays demonstrations which aims were to target deputies of opposition parties coming to the ceremonies and Belgian soldiers. They hope to provoke the RPF [Rwandan Patriotic Front—ER] to engage (being fired upon) the demonstrators and provoke a civil war. Deputies were to be assassinated upon entry or exit from Parliament. Belgian troops were to be provoked and if Belgian soldiers resorted to force a number of them were to be killed and thus guarantee Belgian withdrawal from Rwanda. (Image of page one of this fax may be found at

Three months before the beginning of civil war, and the mad onslaught against all Tutsis and moderate Hutus by the Interahamwe militia, three months after stores of machetes were discovered and reported, three months before ten Belgian soldiers were in fact killed to provoke—successfully—the withdrawal of all Belgian forces, three months during which an effective peacekeeping force could have been assembled, the UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations did nothing. Not all credit Dallaire’s assessment that “with a well-armed force of 5,000 men” and the proper mandate, “the UN could have stopped the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of Rwandans.” But those who gainsay this assessment are too often those who would deny their own culpability in responding to genocidal destruction that would claim some 800,000 lives. Too often those who gainsay Dallaire’s assessment are judging without anything like Dallaire’s understanding of the circumstances on the ground.

The truth is that Kofi Annan and the UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations he headed, encouraged by the Clinton administration and others, wished to see no augmentation of the force of 2,100 personnel to the 5,000 Dallaire wanted. And when the force was precipitously eviscerated, leaving only 270 personnel, it was in no position to do anything but observe. But observe Dallaire did, and Shake Hands with the Devil was written with soul-destroying detail and a growing comprehension of what he had seen.

Albright’s Moment

This is the context for the second moment, what I have summarized above as Madeleine Albright’s deeply expedient role in ensuring that the U.S. would not have to face the prospect of Americans coming home in body bags as a result of fighting in Africa, as they had from Somalia. She hardly needed “instruction” to understand that the Clinton administration wanted neither a U.S. role nor indeed a UN role in any mission amidst the unfolding carnage in Rwanda. She and the U.S.—in the midst of rapidly unfolding genocide—wished mainly to see a reduction in the size of UNAMIR. And as expedient as Albright was in the moment, she is commensurately disingenuous in claiming now that she was simply following orders. Such shameless self-exculpation is evidently a priority for Albright, who continues to win awards and honorary degrees (most recently from Princeton University). Kofi Annan, who would go on to become Secretary-General of the UN and be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, has been similarly disingenuous in his comments following the 100 days of horror in which the vast majority of the killings took place (hardly a period of time in which National Security Adviser Lake’s advice for advocates—”make more noise”—could have had any effect on the formulating of policies affecting events). It was Annan’s office, as head of UN Peacekeeping, to which Dallaire sent his “MOST IMMEDIATE” fax.

Rwanda and Darfur

In her expediency and disingenuousness, Albright offers us precisely what we need to understand why genocide in Darfur continues more than a decade after conflict began in early 2003. The degree of violence has ebbed and flowed, to be sure; but human suffering and destruction have been unrelenting. And conditions now are horrific, perhaps worse than at any time during the genocidal counter-insurgency orchestrated by Khartoum’s National Islamic Front/National Congress Party regime. Certainly the prospects for a peaceful settlement are nowhere in sight, nor is there any evidence that security will not continue its relentless decline—limiting, and further diminishing the quality, of humanitarian assistance, even as more than 2 million needy people are internally displaced and another 340,000 are refugees in eastern Chad—overwhelmingly from the non-Arab or African tribal groups, preeminently the Fur, Massalit, and Zaghawa. A great many will not survive the current rainy season or the predations of Khartoum’s militia forces.

But again and again we have seen expediency and disingenuousness driving, in particular, UN and U.S. policy. For President Obama, these tendencies are all too conspicuous if we look at the rhetoric of his campaign.

• In 2007 he chided the Bush administration for its accommodation of Khartoum. Invoking Rwanda and Bosnia as justification for humanitarian intervention in Darfur, Obama said,

“The United States has a moral obligation anytime you see humanitarian catastrophes… “When you see a genocide in Rwanda, Bosnia or in Darfur, that is a stain on all of us, a stain on our souls …. We can’t say ‘never again’ and then allow it to happen again, and as a president of the United States I don’’t intend to abandon people or turn a blind eye to slaughter.” (Video recording available at:

• As President, Obama again characterized Darfur as the site of “genocide,” but there has been no response commensurate with the magnitude of the crisis, whatever we may decide to call it. On the contrary, repaying a campaign debt, Obama appointed former Air Force Major-General Scott Gration as his special envoy for Sudan (Gration’s real goal was to gain sufficient regional experience to become ambassador to Nairobi, a position to which he was soon appointed, only to be fired by the State Department for incompetence in less than a year). His disastrous performance as special envoy, as judged by all relevant constituencies, was entirely predictable, given his total lack of diplomatic experience, his extremely shallow knowledge of Sudan, and his lack of facility in any relevant language, at times including English.

• Shortly after Obama appointed Gration the President enlisted the support of Senator John Kerry, perhaps sensing that Gration was completely out of his depth. Certainly the crisis created by Khartoum’s March 2009 expulsion of thirteen if the world’s finest international aid organizations—roughly half the humanitarian capacity in Darfur at the time—was of the most urgent sort. But instead of making demands of Khartoum and enlisting European allies to add pressure to reverse this immensely destructive action, Kerry simply created a fantasy solution to the problem, declaring in April 2009 that the capacity represented by the expelled organizations would be replaced in “a few weeks.” Cynically, he declared that he had Khartoum’s promise on the matter, as if the regime’s promises have somehow meant something in the past. Kerry’s disingenuousness undoubtedly set back efforts to re-start humanitarian efforts in many regions within Darfur. In short, Darfuri lives were sacrificed in the name of a wholly specious diplomatic “success” by the ambitious Kerry.

• Despite Obama’s decisive campaign rhetoric of 2007, in November 2010—not two years in office—his administration “de-coupled” Darfur from the key bilateral issue between Washington and Khartoum:

“… the U.S. [is] prepared to accelerate the removal of Sudan from the state sponsor of terrorism list if the Government of Sudan did two things. One is to fully implement the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, and two, to live up to all of the legal conditions required under law for Sudan to be taken off the state sponsors list. By doing this, we would also be de-coupling the state sponsor of terrorism from Darfur and from the Darfur issue.” (State Department transcript of November 9, 2010 background briefing by senior administration officials)

Of course, as was soon obvious, Darfur had been “de-coupled” much more fully than suggested by this unnamed “senior administration official”; “we” were a long, long way from the morally flatulent and expedient rhetoric Obama used in 2007.

• This expediency has translated into various forms in Obama’s Sudan policy, including what has been largely silence on the outrageous, immoral, and grossly illegal bombings of civilians in Jebel Marra and other locations in Darfur, as well as elsewhere in greater Sudan, particularly the Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile. What is said by the Obama administration, very occasionally, is perfunctory and utterly inconsequential. Here the UN, the Europeans, and the African Union are equally to blame.

• The Obama administration speaks rarely if at all about the extremely dire humanitarian situation in Darfur: silence here is again expediency. (See Sudan assessment by UN OCHA in next paragraph as well as paragraph below that notes the FEWSNet assessment of food insecurity in South Kordofan.)

• Of Khartoum’s relentless obstruction of humanitarian assistance, the U.S. has had nothing of consequence to say, even as Radio Dabanga reports (see below): “The UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in Sudan has expressed deep concern with the marked increase in humanitarian needs in Sudan which are not met with sufficient aid.” He is speaking primarily of Darfur, but also eastern Sudan and other areas which receive so little from Khartoum and to which the regime frequently denies access.

• The Obama administration refuses to characterize UNAMID as the failure it is, preserving the grim status quo for civilian protection and preventing real debate about what must be done to address the extreme security crisis (see Radio Dabanga dispatches below).

• The Obama administration pretends that there is life left in the Doha Document for Peace in Darfur (DDPD), now almost three years into conspicuous irrelevance (it was signed in July 2011 by non-representative rebel groups cobbled together by Gration and Muamar Gadhafi). This is absurd and merely an expedient way of refusing to confront diplomatic realities and the need for auspices more effective than those that can be provided by Qatar. By continuing to flog the dead horse that is the DDPD, the Obama administration is dodging the real work of helping to bring peace to Darfur.

• Ultimately, the most disgraceful part of the Obama administration’s Sudan policy is that is driven by a lust for the putative counter-terrorism intelligence that Khartoum can provide, no matter what the human consequences of accepting this partnership with a genocidal regime. Moreover, this is so despite Khartoum’s continuing inclusion on the most recent (2013) State Department list of state sponsors of international terrorism (see my lengthy review of the regime’s record of support for terrorism, “The Obama Administration, Terrorism, and Hypocrisy” [with Appendices], at Sudan Tribune, May 6, 2014:

Nothing else can explain the preposterous view toward the regime in Khartoum articulated by another former Obama special envoy for Sudan, Princeton Lyman. In an interview with the important Arab news outlet, Lyman declared:

“Frankly, we do not want to see the ouster of the [Sudanese] regime, nor regime change. We want to see the regime carrying out reform via constitutional democratic measures.” (Asharq Al-Awsat, 3 December 2011)

It is simply absurd to think that the current regime can oversee “reform via constitutional democratic measures.” Every event in Sudan since this outrageously expedient and deeply misleading statement belies Lyman’s premises. The crackdown on the press has been more repressive than ever. Demonstrations last September/October in a range of Sudanese cities and towns were met with extreme violence by security forces, including what Amnesty International described as “shoot to kill” orders in Khartoum and Omdurman. There is an increase in the number of political jailings. And perhaps most consequentially, the Sudanese economy is imploding and there is nothing the current regime can do to reverse the decline; to remain in power these ruthless men will have to use ever more repressive and violent means. The last thing on their minds is “carrying out reform via constitution democratic measures.” To suggest otherwise is not merely disingenuous, it is mendacious.

• Readers may draw their own conclusions about parallels between the decisions, judgments, and actions of the United States in 1994 and those of the current U.S. administration in response not only to Darfur, but to the genocidal realities of South Kordofan and Blue Nile, which are—in rebel-controlled areas—subject to a total humanitarian embargo. The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs reports in its most recent Sudan Bulletin (Issue 22, 1 June 2014): “The Famine Early Warning Networks (FEWS Net) forecasts that 40 per cent of IDPs and host communities in SPLM-N areas of South Kordofan will face emergency levels of food insecurity through September 2014.” This implies an extremely large mortality total, especially among children under five.

And yet the Obama administration has done nothing of consequence to help create humanitarian access or corridors, whether from Ethiopia or South Sudan. Again, this is expedient, and deadly, in a variety of ways—and there are far too many other examples. Darfur many not be Rwanda, but the expediency and disingenuousness that guide U.S. policy are all too similar.

Darfur—Endless human suffering and destruction

I have been driven by necessity to chronicling events in Darfur via Radio Dabanga and the occasionally useful UN report (although notably, the UN has not for years released figures for Global Acute Malnutrition for the region, for Severe Acute Malnutrition—typically fatal if untreated in children under five—or for global “excess mortality”). I have recently offered a compendium of briefs on policy responses as we know them—”Darfur: A Bibliography of Violence and International Indifference,” Sudan Tribune, 13 April 2014 ( as well as “Pretending Darfur Isn’t: the world continues to avert its eyes from accelerating human suffering and destruction,” Sudan Tribune, 2 June 2014, And on this occasion I can do no more than highlight what has been authoritatively reported by Radio Dabanga, using as a symbolic time-frame the ten days since the New York Times reported on various UN cables, highlighting the disgraceful response of international actors to genocide in Rwanda.

Such disgrace finds its ample complement this very day in the inaction of those with the power to pressure the Khartoum regime to end its increasingly violent “genocide by attrition.” The dispatches here concern the usual subjects of Radio Dabanga (the source for all unless otherwise indicated; not all dispatches are included): murder, rape, indiscriminate aerial bombardment (in violation of international law and UN Security Council Resolution 1591, March 2005), village torching and looting by regime-allied Arab militias (most commonly now the Rapid Support Forces, another recycling of the Janjaweed), extortion, torture, appropriation of African farmland, and robbery. The victims of course are all new—or have suffered a terrible repetition of these brutalities.

Letter Sent to the UN Security Council Urging Action

Darfur Women Action Group’s Letter to the United Nations Security Council

Re: 221 Tabit Women Raped October 2014

We, the undersigned, write today to express our deep concern about the continuing surge of violence that has devastated the lives of people in Darfur, Sudan. We are particularly concerned with the ongoing lack of independent and transparent investigations regarding the mass rape of 221 women and girls in Tabit a year after the attack. We are extremely disturbed that the UNSC is fully aware of the brutal attack against the women of Tabit and these women and their families have been left to face unspeakable suffering and fear along without protection, treatment or justice. On this one year anniversary of the shocking incident we would like to take this opportunity to remind and urge the UNSC to fulfill its responsibility pursuant to international human rights and humanitarian norms to protect the people of Darfur – particularly women – to end the genocide in Darfur, bring justice to victims, and accountability for Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir and others responsible for the crimes committed in Darfur. Accordingly, we demand that the United Nations Security Council not ignore or allow such horrors of the ongoing attacks against civilians in Darfur to continue with impunity.

On the evening of October 31st, 2014, at approximately 8pm local time, government soldiers in Northern Darfur attacked a village just a few miles away from the United Nations African Union Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) headquarters. These soldiers rounded up the Tabit villagers, beat them with their guns, and separated the men from the women by force. The soldiers then stayed until the following morning, raping approximately 221 women and girls.

Immediately following the rape, the Sudanese government denied the attacks and prevented UN investigators from entering the town to try to prevent victims and witnesses from sharing information about the crimes. Even after the army commander admitted guilt and apologized, the Sudanese government formally denounced reports of the rape as “fabricated reports.”

The UN-African Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) investigation team attempted to cover up the rape, concluding that there was never any incident of mass rape in Tabit. UNAMID denied any information regarding media allegations during the period in question. Multiple victims and witnesses later reported that government officials threatened to imprison or kill anyone who spoke out about the attacks.

Sadly, this is not an isolated incident but a deliberate and systematic trend of the ongoing attacks against women, men, and children in Darfur that has forced millions from their homes for over 12 years.

UNAMID’s failure to properly investigate and Sudan’s denials that crimes had occurred has contributed to the UN Security Council’s failure to enforce a strong international response to the incident. Furthermore, the Council’s inaction has sent a wrong signal to the government soldiers and their proxy militias that they can commit such crimes with impunity. It has now been one year since this incident occurred. Regrettably, there has not been a formal investigation nor any kind of treatment or support provided to the Tabit victims and survivors.

Today, Omar al-Bashir stands accused of the world’s worst crimes – genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity. Despite more than 40 resolutions made by the UNSC on Darfur and the ICC issuing five arrest warrants for individuals responsible for the genocide and other crimes in Darfur, Sudan has refused to fulfill its commitments to international treaties related to human rights and demonstrate respect for the rule of law. Furthermore, Sudan has continued to defy justice and to undermine the authority of the UNSC by flouting its obligation to cooperate with the ICC.

Accordingly, we the undersigned strongly call on the UNSC members and international community to match their words with actions. It is imperative that the UNSC members uphold their obligations to the international norms that they have voluntarily adopted and fulfill their promises to the people of Darfur. We urgently petition the UNSC to immediately take the following measures to end violence, protect civilians, and restore the dignity of the people of Darfur and Sudan at large.

We, the undersigned, ask that the UNSC immediately:

● Pressure the Sudanese regime and its sponsored militias to immediately cease its criminal and violent attacks and air bombing in Darfur and throughout Sudan, including South Kordofan and Blue Nile.

● Create a professional and independent task force with expertise in sexual and genderbased violence to conduct an investigation into alleged abuses in Tabit and provide comprehensive physical and psychological treatment for the victims and their families; or in the event of lack of investigation, relocate the victims and their families to enable them to receive necessary aid and lifesaving assistance.

● Pressure the government of Sudan to allow unhindered humanitarian access to all people in Darfur and throughout Sudan and to ensure that medical services are available to all those in need, including establishing a permanent presence, such as an operations base.

● Pressure the government of Sudan to order its armed forces, military intelligence, and allied militias to stop all abuses – including harassment, intimidation, arbitrary arrests, and restrictions on freedom of movement – against Tabit residents for speaking out or seeking to enforce their rights concerning crimes committed in the town.

● Ensure that any abusive forces are removed from Tabit and its proximity, and that all military personnel, regardless of rank, implicated in abuses – including as a matter of command responsibility – are held fully accountable.

● Impose travel bans and asset freezes on the individuals responsible for the crimes committed in Darfur- particularly against women- and for the continued obstruction of peacekeepers and UN investigators. Rape as a weapon of war is an international crime of global magnitude. It is imperative that the UNSC makes it clear that impunity for such horror is not an option.


Niemat Ahmadi

President, Darfur Women Action Group

Washington, DC

Esther Sprague, Founder and Director

Sudan Unlimited San Francisco, CA Prof.

Gregory Stanton

President, Genocide Watch

George Mason University

Arlington, VA

Eltahir Abbo, General Secretary

Darfur Association in Arizona Glendale, AZ

Al Sutton, M.D.

African Freedom Coalition

New York, NY

Ismael Adam

President, Darfur Association of Canada

Toronto, CA

Nuraddin Abdulmannan

Nubia Project

Washington, DC

Martina Knee, Co-Founder

Act for Sudan

San Francisco, CA

Eric Cohen, Chairperson

Investors Against Genocide

Boston, MA, USA

William Rosenfeld

Director, Massachusetts Coalition for Darfur

Boston, MA

Katie-Jay Scott

Stop Genocide Now

Redondo Beach, CA

Olivia Warham

MBE Director, Waging Peace

London, UK

Martha Boshnick

Co-chair Darfur Interfaith Network

Washington, DC

Beth McDaniel

Carl Wilkens Fellowship

Redondo Beach, CA

Sharon Silber

Co-Founder, NY Coalition for Sudan

New York, NY

Eileen B. Weiss

Co-Founder, Jews Against Genocide, U.S.

New York, NY

Cory Williams

Darfur and Beyond

Phoenix, Arizona

Ismail Kardoly

Sudan Human Rights Network

Washington, DC

Prof. Mahmoud Braima

President, Darfur Association USA

Dr. Eleanor Wright

Sudan Advocacy Action Forum

Dr. Jacky Mamou

President, Collectif Urgence Darfour

Paris, France

Monica Feltz, Esq., LL.M.

Executive Director, International Justice Project

Newark, NJ

Yagoub Abbo

Fur Solidarity, USA

Sioux Falls, SD

Elfadel Arabab

Executive Director, Fur Cultural Revival

Portland, ME

Melanie Nelkin

Chair, Georgia Coalition to Prevent Genocide

Georgia, USA

Motasim Adam

Darfur People’s Association of New York

Brooklyn, NY

Ahmed. H. Adam

Visiting Fellow, Institute for African Development

Cornell University, Ithaca NY

Bakhiet Shata

President, Darfur Community Organization

Omaha, NE

Mohamed Khidir

Nubia Call USA

Adam Omer

President, Darfur Association

Lincoln, NE

Antonella Napolio

Executive Director

Italians for Darfur

Rome ,Italy

Dr. Mukesh Kapila

Special Representative

Aegis Trust

Contact: Niemat Ahmadi, President, Darfur Women Action Group 1050 17th Street NW, Suite 1000 Washington, DC 20036 C: 804 439 2022

Rights group expressed outrage and concern over the continued lack of investigation of the mass rape of 221 women of Tabit villa

Rights group expressed outrage and concern over the continued lack of investigation of the mass rape of 221 women of Tabit village in North Darfur one year later

Today approximately thirty organizations from the United States, UK, France and Canada have signed a letter to the member states of the United Nations Security Council, expressing concern over the ongoing violent attacks and abuses against civilians in Darfur and the lack of investigation of last year’s horrific rape of about 221 women and girls on October 31, 2014, in Tabit village. The group also urged the UNSC to hold the perpetrators accountable for this atrocity. Read the full letter below.

November 6, 2015

Darfur Women Action Group’s Letter to the United Nations Security Council

Re: 221 Tabit Women Raped October 2014

We, the undersigned, write today to express our deep concern about the continuing surge of violence that has devastated the lives of people in Darfur, Sudan. We are particularly concerned with the ongoing lack of independent and transparent investigations regarding the mass rape of 221 women and girls in Tabit a year after the attack. We are extremely disturbed that the UNSC is fully aware of the brutal attack against the women of Tabit and these women and their families have been left to face unspeakable suffering and fear along without protection, treatment or justice. On this one year anniversary of the shocking incident we would like to take this opportunity to remind and urge the UNSC to fulfill its responsibility pursuant to international human rights and humanitarian norms to protect the people of Darfur – particularly women – to end the genocide in Darfur, bring justice to victims, and accountability for Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir and others responsible for the crimes committed in Darfur. Accordingly, we demand that the United Nations Security Council not ignore or allow such horrors of the ongoing attacks against civilians in Darfur to continue with impunity.

On the evening of October 31st, 2014, at approximately 8pm local time, government soldiers in Northern Darfur attacked a village just a few miles away from the United Nations-African Union Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) headquarters. These soldiers rounded up the Tabit villagers, beat them with their guns, and separated the men from the women by force. The soldiers then stayed until the following morning, raping approximately 221 women and girls.

Immediately following the rape, the Sudanese government denied the attacks and prevented UN investigators from entering the town to try to prevent victims and witnesses from sharing information about the crimes. Even after the army commander admitted guilt and apologized, the Sudanese government formally denounced reports of the rape as “fabricated reports.”

The UN-African Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) investigation team attempted to cover up the rape, concluding that there was never any incident of mass rape in Tabit. UNAMID denied any information regarding media allegations during the period in question. Multiple victims and witnesses later reported that government officials threatened to imprison or kill anyone who spoke out about the attacks.

Sadly, this is not an isolated incident but a deliberate and systematic trend of the ongoing attacks against women, men, and children in Darfur that has forced millions from their homes for over 12 years.

UNAMID’s failure to properly investigate and Sudan’s denials that crimes had occurred has contributed to the UN Security Council’s failure to enforce a strong international response to the incident. Furthermore, the Council’s inaction has sent a wrong signal to the government soldiers and their proxy militias that they can commit such crimes with impunity. It has now been one year since this incident occurred. Regrettably, there has not been a formal investigation nor any kind of treatment or support provided to the Tabit victims and survivors.

Today, Omar al-Bashir stands accused of the world’s worst crimes – genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity. Despite more than 40 resolutions made by the UNSC on Darfur and the ICC issuing five arrest warrants for individuals responsible for the genocide and other crimes in Darfur, Sudan has refused to fulfill its commitments to international treaties related to human rights and demonstrate respect for the rule of law. Furthermore, Sudan has continued to defy justice and to undermine the authority of the UNSC by flouting its obligation to cooperate with the ICC.

Accordingly, we the undersigned strongly call on the UNSC members and international community to match their words with actions. It is imperative that the UNSC members uphold their obligations to the international norms that they have voluntarily adopted and fulfill their promises to the people of Darfur. We urgently petition the UNSC to immediately take the following measures to end violence, protect civilians, and restore the dignity of the people of Darfur and Sudan at large.

We, the undersigned, ask that the UNSC immediately:

● Pressure the Sudanese regime and its sponsored militias to immediately cease its criminal and violent attacks and air bombing in Darfur and throughout Sudan, including South Kordofan and Blue Nile.

● Create a professional and independent task force with expertise in sexual and gender-based violence to conduct an investigation into alleged abuses in Tabit and provide comprehensive physical and psychological treatment for the victims and their families; or in the event of lack of investigation, relocate the victims and their families to enable them to receive necessary aid and lifesaving assistance.

● Pressure the government of Sudan to allow unhindered humanitarian access to all people in Darfur and throughout Sudan and to ensure that medical services are available to all those in need, including establishing a permanent presence, such as an operations base.

● Pressure the government of Sudan to order its armed forces, military intelligence, and allied militias to stop all abuses – including harassment, intimidation, arbitrary arrests, and restrictions on freedom of movement – against Tabit residents for speaking out or seeking to enforce their rights concerning crimes committed in the town.

● Ensure that any abusive forces are removed from Tabit and its proximity, and that all military personnel, regardless of rank, implicated in abuses – including as a matter of command responsibility – are held fully accountable.

● Impose travel bans and asset freezes on the individuals responsible for the crimes committed in Darfur- particularly against women- and for the continued obstruction of peacekeepers and UN investigators.

Rape as a weapon of war is an international crime of global magnitude. It is imperative that the UNSC makes it clear that impunity for such horror is not an option.


The undersigned :

Niemat Ahmadi

President, Darfur Women Action Group

Washington, DC

Esther Sprague, Founder and Director

Sudan Unlimited

San Francisco, CA

Prof. Gregory Stanton, President, Genocide Watch

George Mason University, Arlington, VA

Eltahir Abbo, General Secretary

Darfur association in Arizona

Glendale, AZ

Al Sutton M.D.

African Freedom Coalition

New York, NY

Ismael Adam

President, Darfur Association of Canada

Toronto, CA

Nuraddin Abdulmannan, Nubia Project

Washington, DC

Martina Knee, Co-Founder, Act for Sudan

San Francisco, CA

Eric Cohen, Chairperson, Investors Against Genocide

Boston, MA, USA

William Rosenfeld

Director, Massachusetts Coalition for Darfur

Boston, MA

Katie-Jay Scott

Stop Genocide Now

Redondo Beach, CA

Olivia Warham MBE, Director, Waging Peace

London, UK

Martha Boshnick, Co-chair Darfur Interfaith Network

Washington, DC

Beth McDaniel, Carl Wilkens Fellowship
Redondo Beach, CA

Sharon Silber, Co-Founder, NY Coalition for Sudan

New York, NY

Eileen B. Weiss,Co-Founder, Jews Against Genocide, U.S.

New York, NY

Cory Williams,Darfur and Beyond

Phoenix, Arizona

Ismail Kardoly,Sudan Human Rights Network

Washington, DC

Prof. Mahmoud Braima,, President, Darfur Association

Leuisian, USA

Dr. Eleanor Wright

Sudan Advocacy Action Forum

Dr. Jacky Mamou,, President, Collectif Urgence Darfour

Paris, France

Monica Feltz, Esq., LL.M., Executive Director, International Justice Project

Newark, NJ

Yagoub Abbo, Fur Solidarity, USA

Sioux Falls, SD

Elfadel Arabab,Executive Director, Fur Cultural Revival

Portland, ME

Melanie Nelkin, Chair, Georgia Coalition to Prevent Genocide

Georgia, USA

Motasim Adam, Darfur People’s Association of New York

Brooklyn, NY

Ahmed. H. Adam,Visiting Fellow

Institute for African Development

Cornell University, Ithaca NY

Bakhiet Shata,President, Darfur Community Organization

Omaha, NE

Mohamed Khidir,Nubia Call,


Adam Omer, President, Darfur Association

Lincoln, NE

For contact:

Niemat Ahmadi, President, Darfur Women Action Group

1050 17th Street NW, Suite 1000 Washington, DC 20036
